I think I just need to write this all out in order to get a better sense of what camera I should purchase for my new pocket camera. With any luck I can get Carmi Levy from written inc to weigh in on this, as I do respect his photographic skill and knowledge of gadgets. :)
As previously noted, I'm in the market for a new compact digital camera. I want something that literally will fit in any pocket, so that pretty much eliminates cameras with aperture/shutter control (bummer) and leaves me with some pretty slick looking point and shoots (hooray!). I always have my 20 oz. film SLR's for the more creative photography anyway.
So, I spent last night watching reviews and reading digital camera forums and have whittled it down to the following selections....
The last camera I had was the predecessor to the above camera. I liked it well enough.... It was nice and slim to fit in a front pant pocket and the user interface was very intuitive. One definite advantage of going with this camera would be that it would be comfortable in my hand right out of the box.
2. Sony DSC-WX150
This camera is essentially Sony's answer to the first camera on my list. It's a higher picture quality Megapixel-wise, however in my opinion the Sony Lens G isn't as good as the the Leica Panasonic boasts. It would have been nice if this camera had a Carl Zeiss lens like some of Sony's other models.
3. Canon ELPH 110 HS
I've never owned a Canon camera.... my wife has had several and has done well with them. This is a contender for its focal, aperture, and shutter speed range. Also it's an ELPH, which I presume is pronounced "elf" - and to a big geek like me, that is a very attractive thing.
I used to carry a camera like it was a part of me. An extra eye and brain to record images on... quite seriously. I would like that again, and having the right camera will make that very easy to do.
So, what camera do you shoot with or what was your favorite camera to shoot with?
I most often shoot with a Nikon D700, but I carry a Panasonic Lumix LX-3 with me everywhere. I wouldn't worry about the pixel count - there are far more important things. Foremost, for me, is the lens. The LX3 has a superb Leica lens that is sharp and boasts delightful contrast and crispness when used at ISO 80 or 100 - after that the limitations of the small sensor overwhelm the lens.
ReplyDeleteI don't know anything about these three cameras, but my advice would be to disregard pixel count in your consideration, and to note that for me, the Leica factor in the Lumix line is a big thing.
I agree with you re: the lens quality. I'm no longer looking at the Sony for that reason. Between the Panasonic and the Canon I think it's just going to come down to what feels better in my hand.
DeleteI appreciate your thoughts on this - thanks!